jennifer griffen was first with the news for us. she's live at her post in the pentagon. how could this affect the effort to take bachrach can a? rack a can a and syria which is a isis strong hold. >> we're told by u.s. defense officials tonight that they did not move any of the 1,000 u.s. troops who are on the ground in syria out of syria in advance of this attack. remember that that operation to retake raqqah to take raqqah the isis accommodate is, held up right now because the fact turkish referendum. the u.s. military and its coalition allies want to arm the kurdish fighters, members of syrian defense forces that u.s. has trained with heavy military equipment, and as we've reported in the past the turkish government is opposed to to th that. they're threatened by the kurds being armed. they so as part of negotiations the u.s. and the coalition has agreed to wait until after this sensitive turkish referendum for the president. so at this point in time this is not going to directly affect the attempt to retake raqqah. the u.s. military efforts remember there are marines