first -- i've never done anything this big, and i'm so grateful to ben and noah baumbach and jennifer jason leighand i would say, "i have a part in the movie." they would say, "no, you've got to go to extra holding." and finally noah got involved. he was like, "she's really in the movie, guys. stop making her show her id." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they finally let you on set. >> they finally let me on, yeah. but every day it literally felt like i was sneaking into a place that i didn't belong. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's got to be comfortable. >> i know. it took me a while to get over it, but it was amazing. they were -- the movie is beautiful. >> jimmy: oh, you did such a good job. >> noah's a genius. >> jimmy: he's brilliant. you obviously shine in this movie. you're a breakout. but in the movie you play like ben stiller's brother's assistant. >> right. i play florence who wants to be a singer, but her life isn't going exactly as she thought it was going to go, and she gets involved with ben's character roger. >> jimmy: yeah. and ben sort of plays, like, a neurotic. >> yes. >> jimmy: very hard