wyden: i ask unanimous consent the privileges of the floor be granted to rob jones vigilant ahan, baxter matthews jennifer phillips, jacob paul, polly webster and austin williams for the remainder of the 114th congress. the presiding officer: without objection. blipped: madam president, the senate is going to spend much of this week debating the contours and the details of the federal budget. and our colleagues are going to offer a variety of amendments, and we will undoubtedly cast a lot of votes. those watching are going to hear speeches that are peppered with numbers. mr. wyden: and statistics. so i'd like to start the debate out by setting aside to the extent you can this flood of numbers and statistics and focus on what this really means to working families in my home state of oregon and across the country. my view is, the great economic challenge of our time is expanding opportunity for these families. it's about strengthening the middle class and adding sturdier rungs to america's economic ladder so that everybody has the chance to climb upward. seven years after a crippling economic collapse, we'v