jennifer kristen son earns from kaiser office of innovation i'm going to say. >> all right. so i just wanted to have you at hand, ok. please. >> all right, this is a long presentation and it has two parts. the first part summarizes the general well being data and request to a previous meeting goes in to the kaiser research study would you like me to briefly give an overview of the first part of the presentation or skip. >> is that presentation in the director's report. >> it's all one report. it's all in this item. >> ok, all right. >> so i'll go briefly through the first part and then spend the majority of the time on the diabetess research and prevention study. >> fine. >> so slides two and three take you back to the research that we started with. so when we started this program we looked at research for how can we see how well-being impact s our cost and productivity and that was how we laded on the well-being because there was research that said if this well being score was higher your costs reduced performance improved and absenteeism is improved and what is exciting wh