joining us now. >> democratic congressman jennifer mcclellan of virginia.orning. >> good morning, congresswoman. you know, here we are. we watched the craziness in the oval office yesterday. that's that's one part of what's happening. we're watching the disintegration of, you know, the federal government agency by agency. and there has been very little focus on the impact of moms and dads, grandmas and granddads across this country. children and children, especially children. speak if you. i'll just give you a moment to speak to that point. so people appreciate that in all of the hurly burly and the noise that the real lives that are impacted, we were talking off air and a little bit in the last segment, how people calling in to talk radio shows, conservative talk radio shows, begging with these conservative hosts, please help us be an advocate for us with within this ecosystem to let them know they're hurting us. >> yes they are. and. >> you know, people. >> don't realize. >> that medicaid funds. long term care. so when your mother has to go into a nursing