again, this from jennifer palmeri. the bottom line, this kind of nonsense comes from the territory of running for president, but voters in the latest poll was the investigation to continue, including a monmouth university poll that found that 52% of voters said that the clinton e-mails, quote, should be subject to a criminal investigation for possible release of classified information. 41% saying that is not necessary. to remind you what hillary clinton said at the united nations back in march of this year, here's a portion of her statement. the entire statement vaavailabl on our video library at >> when i got to work as secretary of state, i opted for convenience to use my personal e-mail account, which was allowed by the state department, because i thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal e-mails instead of two. looking back, it would have been better if i had simply used a second e-mail account and carried a second phone, but at the time, this didn't seem like a