and you know, in any business, you have to pay for what you are getting. >> rick brown is not jennifer pearson's landlord. he does own eight similar properties in winchester, virginia. mainly single family homes in roughly the same price range as jennifer's. he tries to maintain those homes himself. he says half of his tenants are not paying the rent now. >> i understand that we cannot go to court and evict people for nonpayment of rent. >> you understand it's a moratori moratorium, they are not eliminating the rent. on january 1st, that tenant still owes you every nickel that they owed you before. >> i understand that, but i'm struggling to pay my bills. i'm treading water, it's a tough deal right now, for landlords, and it will eventually get paid. we may not get paid. we need to get somebody in that can pay the rents and keep the banks from wanting to for close on it, because the banks need to get paid and it can damage landlords credit lines as well. >> brown is part of a lawsuit challenging the legitimacy of that cdc eviction moratorium. >> this is my retirement, ted, it's my livelihood, an