after meeting with tim cullen an jennifer solomon at their respective rooftops and after meeting with the neighbors residing in the apartment builting on clay street, we modified our design and updated the story poles to reflect the new reductions in height, length, an width. in order to get to these new reductions, we eliminated my mother's senior citizen elevator, roof garden, and a variety of other design features to adhere to your recommendations and the recommendations of our neighbors. these adjustments are reasonable compromise that benefit my family and the neighborhood because jennifer solomon's investment rental property next to our property still has her view and tim cullen's apartment unit across the street still has the majority of his view as photos will show. further mor, the present design minimizes impact to the property behind us on clay street my a techs will go through the design and technical details of the project and from a fiscal point of view, our project will create jobs within san francisco as we will be hiring workers in the san francisco area, who will be