and jennifer stantdly h lnifer desire to create constantly. >> i'm obsessed with making things. and so i need to, you know -- i have to put myself on track and say what is the fraenlg hestrat. >> she finds creating two separate environments helps keep her focus. one to handle the nuts and bottom bolts of the business and the other to let's her imagination run wild. >> my mohome office is my brain time and when i'm connect the into the team and production, i'm here, it's two different worlds. >> and when faced with daubtsing challenges, she's developed a unique way to tackle them. >> it's only taken 20 years, but when i come up against challenges and i've found that if i can turn it into somewhat of like a design challenge, then i become inspired. >> so you take your business issues and somehow turn them into a hey, this is a design issue. >> a creative somehow. >> and this even you can tackle it as a business issue. >> and then it becomes fun. and it's not overwhelming. >> over the years jennifer has seen how her creativity can be blinding at times when it comes to important bus