president olague: jennifer tate, followed by charles -- thank you. [laughter] anita fieger, and jennifer heiler, and then jennifer smith. >> hello. my name is jennifer tate. i've been a marina residents for more than 15 years and i support the project. larkin street and community president buell: has demonstrated their desire to reach out to neighbors and allow dialogue over this project, which is important to me as a neighbor. there will be 24-hour staffing, a security system and lobby services for the residents. this project cannot and should not be compared to other hotels in the neighborhood. after having met and interacted with larkin street team, i'm comfortable with their ability to manage and provide support to the youth residents. i believe this is an opportunity the community should take to help these youth continue turning their lives around through its stable housing situation. these are young adults that are holding jobs or attending school. an on-site staff will be available to support them in these efforts. the ability to pay their own