jennifer vidrine: [lau ghs] - what about the troja ns? jennifer vidrine: [laughs] go bulldo gs! at 7: 00. then go bulldo gs. - oh, it's going to be-- 's going to be a whipp ing. it's gonna be a-- it's gonna be a dog whipp ing! jennifer vidrine: well, you know w hat? speake10: you better call pe ter. - [lau ghs] better call pe ter. there's gonna be some dead d ogs! [lau ghs] jennifer vidrine: this is city hall, and i remember a time when black people couldn't even come into city h all. and then, now i sit as the first black and the first wo man in city ha ll. i had a man who was in his 80s, and came to me personally and said, i've never voted for anybody bl ack. i'm not going to vote for anody bl ack. the good lord didn't mean for the black peo ple to be over the white peo ple. that was his words and i am quoting h im. then he sat down and we talked and we talked and we tal ked. and after, he came to the campaign headquart ers, and after about 20 minutes he s aid, you know what, miss jennif er? i'm going to go vote for y ou. and this was doing absentee-- early vot ing. and he lef