jennifer warbrooke? >> good afternoon. i am it the assistant executive director at the spur, the sentence is the planning urban research association. we support the seawall lot 351 project. we believe it is a significant improvement for a key parcel on the northern waterfront. eight washington is a unique opportunity to replace the surface parking lot and private club with housing, pedestrian- friendly, publicly-accessible open space, a renovated space-to visit club, a ground-floor retail, underground parking. we're pleased with the latest proposal, which includes an aquatics into, green roofs, and a 4,500 square-foot playground with then the public park along the embarcadero. spur supports the project height, would convince the skill of the surrounding neighborhoods. the sponsor has made adjustments for the design and skill of the building to reflect the skill of the surrounding buildings and allow for some doubled since the. given the approximately two much taller buildings, the scale is modest inappropriate. this is loc