. >> the evidence that i learned about the jennifer weldon murder was stronger than the evidence. in the teresa mcabee murder. >> while awaiting trial, duckett had taken a job at a local phosphate pit located near the same road where 14-year-old jennifer weldon was last seen. >> a young girl had apparently been walking home or hitchhiking or something and had disappeared, and they found her a week or two later. they came up there and attempted to question me on that. >> this girl had been in the carnival that was on a road duckett used to take. >> jennifer weldon was 14, was last seen walking along state road 98 in the evening time. the lake county sheriff's department talked to the supervisors at the phosphorous plant and said duckett showed up late the night jennifer weldon disappeared. and when he did show up at work, he was quite disheveled and seemed to be upset and wasn't himself. jennifer weldon was carrying a lime green bag with a stuffed animal inside the night she disappeared. >> i got call one day from duckett's wife out of the blue, and she said, mr. hurm, i think jimm