susie chow, jenny the plaza, maria ellen, vincent gomez, marita gomez.we will start with those and then we will continue to move forward. please state your name, and if you heard your name, come to the podium. >> anyone who needs translation, we will get to it. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] >> voice of translator: good evening, commissioners and all attendees and superintendents. i think all of us come out from the institution at the elementary school to report some issues and catch your attention. our kids get affected and we have to send them to see psychologists and they are not willing to go to school, and also, all this will affect our routine, daily routine as a parent. this is getting serious. >> thank you. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] >> i'm very, very worried because my son is going to be in this school next year, and also my daughter is graduating from the school next year. but during that the parent-teacher conference, i was told my daughter's performance is not that good, and i will worry a