jenny lamb was here but she had to leave and they're concerned about the comment the change in emphasis about anyone who needs focus to come to this on high skills and the high merit and the low wage earners comes way down on the list >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good evening i know this is an emotional issue but i think there's better ways of dealing with this problem. i believe that life begins at conception and we should be supportive of life it's the greatest gift. the mother delivers life and i believe our society should be hively supportive. once the child is born the child and a mother should think supported by the society and we should respect mothers. i have heard supervisor speak about rights and i believe an unborn baby has rights it's vicio viciously a terrible violation of human rights we all as people and society can be much better. our humanity must be more humane. thank you all very much >> thank you any other members of the public that wish to speak in general comment? if not it's closed and colleagues could we have the adoption calendar >> is single roll call