i want to thank craig wagner who did much of the work and being acting director and jenny louie to help me understand the budget process so just to acknowledge them and their team. >> commissioner: realize with that this is now your budget. >> thank you, commissioner. i appreciate that responsibility. thank you. >> commissioner: if there's no further discussion a motion for approval is in order. >> so moved. >> second. >> commissioner: is there a further discussion? if not all those in favor say aye. opposed? dr. colfax' budget has been submitted. >> clerk: item eight is incarceration as a public health issue and this was considered at the community and public health committee twice in january and february. >> good afternoon commissioners. naveena bobba the health direct. you have the updated resolution in front of you. i wanted to talk about the process from here. so you have an idea where we're headed. one of the things we've been looking at is the risk factors for incarceration. you'll see from the slide the risk factors are on the individual level, family level, peer level and commu