when you have jenny rama t. here ask her what are they watching for today? what are they using to collaborate with doctors? they have teams in which the computer in the human can always be either the best human are the best computer. i believe in that and at the heart of that vision of ada lovelace is if you are going to connect humans to technology you have to connect the humanities to the scientist. you have to feel comfortable with both. that is what google is all about and that is what justin hall creating blogging is all about. that is what f. williams when he does blogger in twitter but now medium. medium his new platform, that isn't just about computer platform. it's about connecting it and making more -- making a more intimate a more personal. allen kay scott that vision at xerox parc. make it personal and stand with that connection of the humanities and art technology. so maybe someday there will be a singularity in which the machines won't need us and we'll leave the spine. lord byron felt that and he was there with barry shellen when they were at