robert washburn's dna on jenni bastian's swimsuit. it was head spinning.igh-priority suspect. >> he certainly hadn't abouted like one. they learned in the years after the murder/rape of jenni bastian, robert washburn blended into middle america. literally. stayed out of trouble. in fact, when investigators came knocking at his door? he voluntarily gave them a dna sample. >> reporter: now, more than three decade after that terrible day in the park. washburn was arrested, at home. and then, the new cold-case detective spoke with him. how did he react? >> he was scared. he was very nervous. he was sweating. he asked me, is this about that swab i gave the fbi a year ago? and then, he told me, i didn't kill that little girl. >> reporter: with washburn in handcuffs, it was time to let jenni's mom know. and that job went to retired detective wade. >> so, of course, i had rehearsed what i was going to say. and -- and it all went out the window by the time i got there. couldn't remember what i was going to say. >> and she walked in. i could tell she had been crying