jens weidmann is going to lose. -- brendan: jens weidmann is going to lose.ond buying program in december, jens weidmann has always been saying what europe needs is more structural policy. he says it as loud as he can, as often as he can, even when it looks like he is about to lose. it is clear when you look at core inflation at 1.1%, it is nowhere near their target of 2%. david: brendan, from over on the side of the atlantic, it looks like draghi has been trying to do this for some time but has not made much progress. what can he do to actually change things? we know what he wants to do but it does not look like he can get there. brendan: jens weidmann's argument is, we need to let it run out a little bit longer before we add to it. i think what is worrying people is inflation is not where it needs to be. it is higher in the u.s. but in a lot of economies in the world it is not showing up. what they have, been consistently seeing as with every new release of economic data their target of 2% has moved off a little bit into the future. they are wondering, why