jeppe to 14 being local business and the shirty bond and financial assistance program. after that transfer on august 1st, we will remain pause -- responsible for policy and attention discrimination complaints and remediation. an equal component -- equal benefits component will be the transition. the 14th being the local business enterprise at maturity bond component will be transitioned to the city administrator's office. a very simple description of position changes -- out of a total of 41 positions, 29 are being transferred to the city administrator, leaving 12 commit -- 12 positions to the human rights commission. all of the 14 local business enterprise compliance personnel and the shirty by individual. the remaining with the human rights commission are the investigation of complaints and remediation. also, we will have administrative support for the front desk. the commission secretary and the executive director. there is a lot going on on this slide, but i thought i would give you an indicator of what happened in the nondiscrimination division. we enforce the provi