and one among the last remaining of the greatest generation, colonel jerald f.ell of centre county, pennsylvania. today i rise to honor the life and legacy of this brave combat veteran who is one of only two surviving iwo jeemial battalion commanders. he passed away on monday, february 24, 2014, at the age of 97. it is an honor to have called jerry my friend. it is one of the most decorated marines in world war ii and over 28 years of military service, colonel russell spent a life serving his country. while his military career was second to none, russell's humanitarian and philanthropic work was equally remarkable. indeed, it was his commitment to service and serving others that made him a pillar for both the nation's military and his local community, which encompasses much of central pennsylvania and well beyond. a graduate of boston college, russell was one of the first alternates for the 1940 u.s. olympic track team in the 800 meters, a sport he loved with a passion. immediately following his completion of his undergraduate studies, russell began his career i