right now that's the latest that we have jeralyn barter just update the media and i believe that was where the updated numbers are right now so they're kind of updating the media about every forty five minutes to an hour and sadly just four or five hours ago it was tuesday and now we have fifty plus and then it was twenty four injured and now we're up to four hundred so every update my father brings us it just gets worse and worse and peter we mentioned that the police had named the shooter as a sixty four year old local man any indication about what his motive possibly could have been oh absolutely i could i would i could speculate on that metro does a really good job of updating everybody assumes they know something but right now i think they're just being tight lipped about everything if they do know something or if they don't know something but i'm sure we'll know more about that man coming up in the next few hours repeated often a reporter for k v v u fox five news in las vegas peter thank you so much. thank you. and it is a developing story on the ground there in las vegas we w