joseph douglas, stephen power, denis murphy, zainab dean, jeremiah dean. mohammad alhajali.rjorie vital, ernie vital is ebrahim, gary maunders. we will rememberthem. vital is ebrahim, gary maunders. we will remember them. let us pray. 0h god, you do not willingly grieve or afflict your children. look with compassion on the suffering of these families, and of this community, in this time of loss. mehdi el—wahabi sustain us in our anguish, and into the darkness of grief bring the light of your love. throuthesus christ our lord. amen. all: amen. before reading, i have been instructed to say something for myself, and we all know, we end up doing what clarrie says. in a way, coming here from your, has felt like intruding on other people's grief, like trespassing others‘ holy ground. but the reality is what happened a year ago affect trade us all over the country and all over the world. friends in africa asked, how can this happen in one of the world‘s most developed countries? today i salute you, who have all this horror with such courage, turning grief to hope and righteous ange