monday night >> on the communicators, stanford professor jeremy balin's and , experiences book on-demand, about virtual reality technology and its potential for the future. is donehen the our well, the front of your brain can be famous. the part that is not real. at the back of the brain is terrified, the part that keeps you alive. whenever we bring children on a ceo, we want to establish that the our feels real. because if you are unwilling to take a step on that plank, once i've sold you on this idea that the art is so real you are not even willing to step on a fake conversation. can you use vr to change attitudes about climate change, racism, hard topics you have to experience to understand? announcer 1: watch "the communicators monday night -- communicators" monday night at 8:00 eastern. announcer 2: dwight pitcaithley is a former national park service chief historian and editor of "the u.s. constitution and secession." next, he offers an analysis of the 67 constitutional amendments considered by congress right before the outbreak of the civil war that sought to address the secession