true and there are plenty of jews in the labor party i'm not in the labor party but i support jeremy colby and just to be clear do you at least recognize we could argue about the numbers but a big chunk of the british jewish community is unhappy with labor under coal bin because they perceive it as not a safe space or a comfortable space or a friendly space for british do you concede that is the perception even if you disagree with the reasoning behind it yes of course it is absolutely but then of course exactly as daniela says a large percentage of the jewish community if that's were going to call it a large percentage of jews are in favor of israel but not all jews for a moment and i have no attachment to that place over there but of course i understand that plenty of jews do plenty of jews are brought up to believe that israel is their homeland even if they don't make it their homeland it is there for them as they believe of course. but there are other people living there this is the crucial point about israel there are other people not recognized by the recent nation state law how much