this is jeremy corangelo. and he is signing up at a gym in the local bay area. he is a big boy. he gained a lot of weight after losing his mother to cancer. when his friends realized what was happening, they decided they were going to create a website for their friend called don't feed jer. it will inspire their friend to lose the weight. they're collecting donations to help the american cancer society, but there's a catch. whoever donates money, has to set a goal weight. i can say jerry, you can't have this money until you reach 250 pounds. >> so he has to drop so much weight to collect on the gift? >> exactly. >> i wanted to know more, so right this minute, we have jeremy, and his friends brandon and kyle. so jeremy, what do you think of their friends when they said they had done this. >> i thought it was a joke. when i mom was battling cancer, she battled for two years. and watching her going from being the neighborhood mom to almost bed riden in two years. and it was really hard when she passed away. >> she was a mom to me and kyle as well. >> she was very special. it's been