jeremy courtney stopped by earlier.ganization helps perform heart surgeries for a lot of kids. do people understand the generosity of that and appreciate it and understand what you're doing? >> they do. they really do and they're very grateful. in an era where they see the commitment of some countries and the lack of commitment from other countries and they feel forgotten and they feel remembered depending on what's going on politically in the world, i think our continued efforts toward them and the generosity from the american people have real -- >> the troops pulled out. you did not pull out. how did people feel about americans leading militarily? >> you know, the public sentiment was that this was the right thing to do, americans should probably lead. but privately, over and over again in back room conversations with politicians, religious clerics, muslims and politicians, there was a strong, strong sense that america should not pull out. they said no, people of america don't pull out. we can't say it publicly, but w