negotiations and they continued be on the 13th, effectively i think the following monday that jeremy greenstock finally withdrew a draft resolution? was it because you didn't really believe that chirac is statement signaled the end of the process? or were we continuing negotiations at this point that a particular good faith? >> no. it was effectively this, that obviously this was the second best thing now because france had made clear, you're right, on the 10th of march, i think it was dominic that with a statement out on the 13th of march, but what we decided was look, even if you can't get the resolution because they said they will would veto, nonetheless you'd have some greater, if you like, political authority if you could at least get the majority numbers on the security council to say they would agree such a resolution if they don't. so in other words, it wasn't -- >> you mean by voting for? >> yes by voting for it. you would have a veto that resolution. >> that would undermine the authority of in 1441? >> no, it would have undermined that because we believe we have authority anyway in 14