host: all right, jeremy herb from "the hill," thank you, sir. your phone calls now. diane, democratic caller, what do you think? caller: i was sinking about the deal that they made yesterday. with the cuts in everything, they are not thinking about the people out there who have families with unemployment, not extending it. what do they do if we decide to go on the ballot next year and reduce their pay and let them see how they do it? and let them pay for their own insurance. how can some of the democrats go as -- go with such deals? people around the world are looking at america. anything toow up help jobs back here. if they stop helping these companies that have jobs overseas or the cayman islands. we can charge them every week for those jobs overseas. they are hiding their money. thank you very much. host: ok, patrick in photo. is c-spanod morning, never going to talk about the lawsuit that israel brought against china for state- sponsored terrorism? there is a front-page article on "the wall street journal." host: if you have a suggestion for us, you can tweet us.