i'm joined now by doctor jeremy hickey, who is a specialist anesthesiologist, and he joins me now live from data. obama in goal is a doctor. thank you so much for joining us on the out of here and use our you were working in the european hospital and you've been working that for just over 2 and a half weeks before you received this. sudden notice of evacuation took us through what happens. talk to i thanks very much for having me to go and it's, it's all been a bit of a rush, somebody for blue, and we initially got notification about a potential back you. i shall from some of the nursing stuff and you'll probably, and kate, as we were wishing him and that's because it had come up on social media. and from there we were instructed that we would just say so a lot uprising because a number of staff who were living in and around the canyon is area to lead to eventually with the families at this point. we still haven't received any notification that's weird. um, formally required to evacuate wise and it was a bass and now so after that that we go to the cold that so we needs to move, who's