mark from russell investors joining me, neil, jeremy hill, and our own rick santelli. good to see you guys. thank you very much for joining me. jeremy, let me kick it off with you. your specialty is credit. what are you seeing? >> actually, when we look at credit, we think credit, or bonds and rates, is probably the biggest risk to the equity market right now. there's no way you can avoid an equity market kind of tanking on the back of a much higher rates environment. so we see that as a huge risk. just look at the mortgage market, what's happening. and also look at corporate issuers that have to refinance. we think that's going to be a disproportionate risk to the market going forward. >> yeah, look at the $40 billion that came out of bond funds and mutual funds and etfs bond, the etfs just in the month of june. does that continue? >> well, there is, you know, great rotation. we've been talking about it. >> yeah. >> since the beginning of the year. >> money is not necessarily headed to equities. >> that's right. >> we're waiting to see if it happens. >> that's right. t