. >> my name is jeremy rosen bloom and i work with those providing the sound and we are also here on behalf of malik who had to go out of town. i understand that you already have the diagrams provided the tenants arounds the area with a letter. we have called them. and we have emailed them and then we also have included a document showing the results of all this. the map, addresses exactly where the event is going to take place. i have talked with lieutenant knight about their concerns that we are near the department operation center. and that our sound checks and our operation may be an issue for them. she said that i should contact one of the supervisors there and she gave me their contact info when we are doing a sound check to come down and investigate our levels make sure that everything is okay when we are doing the sound checks and be able to perform the business. also, we are going to provide security at the end of the block and gate it off so that none of the participants will be able to go into the block operated by the center. we have also, let's see, i think that is all o