johnny: in 2015, jeremy telford set the guinness world record for the largest balloon structure createdndividual. with a 65 foot balloon wiener dog. ok. i spent 80 hours building the thing and used about 8,867 balloons. they made you count. how tall and wide was it? jeremy: 12 feet tall and 32 feet wide. that's one big wiener. the first really large balloon i did was a 45 foot dinosaur here at thanksgiving point. every single bone was within a half inch of accurate. what he is able to make out of balloons, in my opinion, is more impressive than somebody who can sculpt a dinosaur out of clay. dinosaurs are among some of jeremy's favorite subjects. so this is the utah raptor, huh? yeah. in utah's museum of ancient life at thanksgiving point is where he displays some of his work and finds inspiration. in fact, i started building on one last night. i was thinking maybe you and i, we could finish it up? only if i can put it on and run around here and scare children with it. - sounds fair. can we make that happen? let's do it. all right. so this build, altogether, is about a 10 hour build. ti