. >> getting jerica ready for school, talk to me on the way to the bus stop. >> where is -- >> he's heree would have bouts with police. >> he would drink and somebody would call the cops. he would drink and get loud. that drunk and disorder. the cops would come, spray him with mace and handcuff him and all this, now, he's resistant and they put him in the tank. they kept him one time, a year, two years, a year and snaffle. >> what! they didn't charge him with anything, held him for a year and a half? >> drunk and disorderly. one time the police picked him up overnight and we went over there right away. they said, he's fine, sleeping and when he wakes up we'll let him go. that night they stripped him down buck naked and when they let him go he was all bruised up. >> it must do something on your psychological state of mind. >> it does. >> in and out of prison so many times. >> tommy's daughter, jerica lived with him. everyday he got her ready for school. he cooked all her meals. she was 15 years old when he father committed suicide. now, with tommy gone, jerica struggles to find a reason t