. >> the issue that is jermaine here is that this is an existing deck that is being legalized. >> that is correct, to cure a notice of violation. >> there was a variance granted on it a couple of years ago. tenants' of that variance, e which i believe your department would refer? >> i would have to confer with the planning department, but i would assume since we are into the 11 revision that something has looked at it. mr. sanchez is nodding his head yes. >> i will ask that question. >> thank you. >> maybe he is trying to stay awake. >> mr. sanchez, a variance was granted. this deck was in existence. does the plan as proposed show that the existing construction conforms within the tenents of the variance? >> in response to that question, the variance granted a particular envelope, and as the department director noted, the plans actually show a reduction in the deck. that reduction in the deck, with that, then the plan and the deck does conform with the variance. that reduction is being made as part of the variance. that is what we are here for, the reduction of the size of an existing