deanna rosenstein and jermaine jones, in case anyone has questions that can be answered in the audience or issues that come up during tonight's hearing, for folks that have information or want to get in contact with our agency, we can be reached at, or you can contact us at (415) 241-7711. that concludes my remarks. and i will retain and wait for comments as the agenda items as they're called. thank you sergeant, if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item six, please approach the podium. there's no public comment. line item seven commission reports discussion and possible action commission president's report, commissioner's reports and commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at a future commission meeting. commissioner benedicta, thank you. president elias. a few items for my report. i wanted to join the chief in the recognition of national hispanic heritage month, as well as domestic violence awareness month, and add one more. october is also filipino american heritage month. there will be a ce