and it is particularly troubling to us that jerome boger who is graded the same way as any of our refereesand always has been ranked number one out of our 18 officials in his performance. he deserves to be in the super bowl. he's earned it. to think he has anonymous former and current referees trying to denigrate his performance this year when he's about to really accomplish the pinnacle of his officiating career is really to us quite pathetic. so his information is inaccurate, it's unfair and frankly i don't know what's motivating it it, but it certainly is unfair to jerome and not at all what happens in the nfl. we are about diversity, that is true, but to suggest that him being black got him into the super bowl, that's insulting and that is offensive on multiple levels. none of us in the nfl appreciate that. >> tell me this. the mere fact that there's speculation of this nature, which is particularly hurtful to him given what you have just said, does it mean the system is flawed? is there a better way of doing the grading system? a more transparent way so that you can avoid this kind of