the two men, jerome powell and jeremy stein are nominated to serve on the federal reserve board of governorsre plained his rationale for blocking them this way. i refuse to provide chairman bernanke with two more rubber stamps who approve of the fed's activist policies. this quote is a breathtaking statement for a few reasons. one, vitter is not saying anything about the nominee's qualifications but where their policy preferences might lie. this is all the more remarkable because one economist is a republican. economist justin wolfer commented on twitter, quote, i don't know a single economist left or right who thinks putting a hold on stein and powell is a good idea. i bet you can't find one. he then followed up, quote, literally every republican economist i've talked to thinks stein would make a fantastic fed governor. i agree. the second remarkable thing about vitter's quote, he's accusing bernanke, a registered republican and appointed to the fed by w., himself, of being some kind of wild eyed activist liberal. third, vitter is saying though not quite in these words he opposes any effort