just by way of a refresher, i wanted to highlight in, and i believe this was it touched on by jerrick campos in terms of the 2007 ordinance, in past presentations, we noted how the program was shaping up and how it differs from the precise language from the 2007 ordinance but how it used to the general goals and objectives. this is a quick refresher, this slide goes to the various objectives that were in 2007 of having raids that meet or beat pg&e, having stability in those raids, a target of 51% with 360 megawatts of build-out and having all customers enrolled at once, a very long term contract, 15 years or longer with a senior supplier taking on 100% of the risk and there being zero liability to the city. as you well know, we have gone through several rfp's and have had challenge is finding a single supplier willing to take on those risks. we have learned a lot about the program as we moved forward. and we had the expectations that things might change. a couple of the things i would like to highlight here from this slide, one being that the regulatory landscape continues to change. as was