it's like one fart destroying the sex appeal of jerrold nadler.ce always have that look like he's walking behind? jerrold nadler, do you ever get, like, when you're watching it, you go, i can smell. jerrold nadler i can smell all of well, i can smell him. he farts a lot. we hope their farts. jim. excellent reporting. >> thank you very much, greg. >> yes, exactly. on top of this, were you surprised when santos told you nadler smelled terrible? >> not really. no. i originally asked him who had the worst breath in congress. and he was a little nervous about that. he's like. and then he goes, but without reservation. then he just launched into nadler. so then he confessed that the worst breath was a republican. so, like, he didn't want to offend somebody who he likes. he wouldn't say the name, but. >> it's interesting that he launched into nadler. usually there are things launching out of nadler. >> he during that podcast. it's like a 90 minute conversation. he saw that that james comer's name is. yeah, he saw that. we brought that interview up and he