and they are rekindling the relationship with jerry bruckheimer.the 80s and 90s. getting back together with him, that's a big deal. and we have big movies on the horizon and i think that we will have a hge day with christmas day. ashely: puttng you on the spot, anchorman to, someone said it was absolutely awful. would you agree? >> it depends on what you like. it's not trying to be an oscar ntender. i love christstian bale, jennifr lawrence, bradley coper, you know, what a fantastic group of individuals. and would say choose what you like. there are so many options out there. and there are so many films to see over the next couple of eks. because we will hit that record-breaking $10.8 billion at the box office. ashely: so who'll the big oscar winner? who do you think? >> well, you're really putting men the spot. i'm going to say bruce in braska. american hustle, saving mr. banks. i can can't just pick one. there are too many. ashely: very dead. thank you so much for joining us. we sure do appreciate it. charles: swipe your credit or debit card it i