[applause] she actually stood in sergeant jerry darcy who laid world series fame and lore was going to sing, and has the same cold that everyone has, and channel showed up. i want to thank the families and friends that are here, and dignitaries. and the board of supervisors who are represented. supervisor campos and weiner, great friends of the department. and commissioner loftus, needs no introduction. and willie brown, tremendous friend of the police department. i don't know if we have been blessed to have a mayor more supportive in our hiring plan, than mayor lee. i appreciate everyone working together to support us here in san francisco. now to the matter at hand. we are privileged to be here of the 56 sworn officers that are sworn to the rank of sergeant, captain and deputy of chief. in all endeavors leadership is critical to success. as we move into the first half of 2013, solid and sound leadership as commissioner loftus spoke us is critical to the success of the san francisco police department that challenged our able to provide top-notch law enforcement due to staffing and bud