but jerry denton was a lot smarter than i am because i can barely talk and read the same time, but jerry denton could at thed blank -- blink same time. and he blinked torture in morse code, again and again with his eyes, torture, torture, torture. george mcknight, george coker. george mcknight was a boxer from oregon. george coker was a wrestling champion from new jersey. these guys were like a molotov cocktail. these guys were probably two of the most incendiary prisoners . because the second they landed in north vietnam, they hated their captors and they let them know it and they never let them forget it. in fact these two escaped. i am not going to tell you exactly what happened because i , want you to read the book and find out that one of the best side stories of the entire p.o.w. era. these two characters did and how they got out of their cells and how far they got. it's an amazing story. these two men were both commanders, squadron commanders, ended up being kind of the laurel and hardy, the and frack of the pows. they were never more than 30 feet apart for almost eight years and