jerry g smith, toe lynn smith, jonas max ferris and witness, john, time to scrap the tax code altogetherwill it help jump start this economy? >> yes, it will help jump start this economy, we have over 72,000 plus pages right now of tax code because we've had decade after decade of politicians giving favors to different people and we cannot simply put more bandaids on it. and what are we going to do, put more on top of those pages? it costs americans 34 billion dollars a year in compliance right now, we're at historic lows as far as revenue to gdp, 15 to 16% and the only way to get there fairly is to completely overhaul this antiquated horribly system. >> i'm with him 110%. how are you going to get through the lobbyists and special interest groups, and marching out to get the political favors done for the constituents? >> look, the points are true except that you can't get from point a to point b. the special interest groups are groups like home owners and people with kids and people money in an ira. what makes it complicated are the variety of deductions, and that's a complexity and to r