to celebrate the excelsior district native son, jerry garcia, what a long, strange trip and has been. it will be this coming sunday, it is almost the 10th anniversary of jerry day. every day, there are more and more people and i fear in the future we will not be able to hold jerry day in the jerry garcia amphitheater. for this year, it will be in the jerry garcia and the theater, starting at 12 noon this sunday, august 7th. there will be several bands and this is an amazing event, attracting people from all over the bay area. i want to recommend colleagues that you attend and will be a lot of fun. wait until you see what is going on. that is all my items for introduction. >> thank you. supervisor mar: to pick up on a supervisor avalos'point about bicycle theft, on my first day of high school, many, many years ago, i had my bike stolen. my daughter starts middle school in two weeks and i want her to be writing to school as well. but your introduction of this item is really important. i'm going to be continuing to work with a safe route to school and the san francisco unified school dis