then i will start the festival rebel soul festival acoustic soul festival ran for years at the jerry garcia amphitheater. we've done some things over at what was yoshi's at one time we produced events over at the s.f. jazz center at moet at moma. the list goes on because i'm not just an artist who's out here saying hey, would you please listen to my demo? i'm actually someone who's going to go corral the audience, get the other artists lined up, produce the events, sell the tickets, go find sponsorships, bridge partnerships with community partners. it's a it's a process but when it comes down to delivering that heartfelt so that classic good feeling music or that modern day twisted avant garde approach to jazz, blues, gospel rock and roll hip hop there's no real boundaries. it's just good music and that's what we're responsible for. so what the music scene in san francisco you've seen and heard my word possibly on those stages i've played all over this city and i continue my wife and i started the people's garden and basically had this point where we now have created the stage for other art