ever jerry jerry j.j. sure. my dad lived with him ophelia. really did all won the game affiliates again is way out of the time it was kind of an odd thing for the song people to say here with area carpenter using these huge saws and swinging. wood around the shop the things. you know that sick let me go i was. crazy. i'm very thankful he told those videos because it's the evidence why memory doesn't have. kids he was a father to me and he raised me and was doing everything a father should do. in towards the late seventy's he began to use concentrates because that was with adults it was on him and everyone i'll see use. may 1983 so the 1st reported case of the british hemophiliac contracting the disease. appeared in the press claiming that factor 8 was a safe. in november of 84 he raised concerns about the products with his stopped and they told him this is just sensationalism it's fine you know don't worry they convinced him to carry on using facts concentrate and then it was only shortly after that the his 1st choice v. tests came back as po