jerry kelso was held to answer a charge of manslaughter. after a hearing, pearl mattson was placed on probation for a period of three years. it was over. well that's that. all through? mhmm. good morning hoby, ralph. morning doc. weather coming. you still working on that thing? just finished. did you see the girl? yeah yesterday. she's getting along fine. it beats me how a thing like that could happen. you know you see it in stories but it just never seems like it could really happen. well since this came up i've been doing some reading. it seems like no one can be hypnotized against their will. and furthermore, they can't be made to do anything that they wouldn't like to do consciously. ncious she was willing to. oh here hoby i uh, thought this might interest you. well doc i'm afraid there's only one way hypnotism is gonna do me any good. what's that? ? hey, phil, get charlie miller over here right away. ? all right, bodie, inside.