i just thought you were ready to invoke the jerry mcgwire lock exchange with supervisor avalos. -- in your exchange to supervisor avalos. that is why so many of us have rallied in support of the transfer tax. that would help us realize some of the deficit shortfalls in the departments that matter to us like of rec and park. i think that that is an important exchange, not one to take lightly whatsoever. i would feel better if what was before us in the data crunching if there was more data on the botanical society in itself. it just makes me feel incomplete in not seen the evaluation of what their books look like -- in not seeing the evaluation of what their books look like. this gives us a thorough assessment to understand money that is going in, money that is going out, and what those agreements mean. we are faced with relying on our own analysts to scrutinize the data that is before us and the ordinance that we write that has to mimic what our expectations are. if they don't, then it creates a bit of a confused climate in the deliberation. that is why we are here today. i know rec an