has some of the toughest gun laws in our country. >> here to see jerry nunez. >> nunez. >> i'm concerned his mental well being right now. i have to keep him strong. right now they're presenting the evidence to the grand jury. i believe within the next week or two the grand jury will come back with an indictment. >> the nature of this involves, allegedly, crimes against police officers. judges look at that as sometimes the most heinous type of crimes, you know, crimes against children, crimes against police officers. >> and they really hold that against me, though, i mean -- i really had nothing to do with it. >> i understand. that's what we have to see, what the evidence is. they will try to stick it to each and every one of you with the most charges as possible. remember, they've got to prove, they've got the burden of proof. i know it's a waiting game. and the days drag in here, time waits for no one. it ticks along. in here, it drags. you've got to man up now and, you know, hold your own. don't break and stay strong. okay. >> makes me mad to we're all being held accountable for his ac